Thursday, February 14, 2008

CHA 2008 Comes to a Close

Hello fellow Scrapbook Buddies! Well it is over and I just hope that I will be able to come to something like this again, just for the Make-n-Takes and the general feel. My last day started by a 1 mile walk to the post office and back to the hotel to get some more flat rate boxes. I just didn't want to leave all those beautiful catalogs behid and all I can hope for, is that the boxes all make it home as they were pretty heavy and I didn't have any extra tape to make sure they were truly secure.
I had a mission to visit certain booths and started with Prima. We all know that they always have great products and they sure did again. They were showing lots and lots of acrylic albums, their make and take was hybrid scrapbooking, they are coming out sometime in May with a program, precut thick chipboard templates with tags and journaling blocks and of course 12x12 digital papers.
I went to the Jennie Bowler booth, another new company and looked at their lines again. I put in a minimum order from them and will be offering a couple of kits with their stuff.
Then on to BossKut's booth where I wanted to have a good look and demo of their new cutting machine. It cuts 12x12 paper, easily cuts Bazzill'z washboard paper and light chipboard, etc. Here are some of the details:

- Has a 12" cutting width. Can cut 12" x 24".
- Cuts heavy cardstock, glitter paper, heavy metallic paper and light weight chipboard.
- Will cut vinyl by the sheet or roll.
- Weld words and shapes right in Gazelle's software.
- Design your own images.
- Scan images.
- Draw, cut, weld, outline, shadow, pierce, embroidery, engrave and more.
- Add decorative edges to your images with the scissor tool.
- MSRP $529.00
- Shipping June 1st (for those who get their orders in now!)

I loved this machine! The software was pretty intuitive, there are buttons on the machine itself so that you can adjust the cutter during cutting if you see it is cutting to lightly or too hevily, and it will cut using amongst other things, jpegs and BMPs. Was does that mean? Well what I thought of is that you can easily draw something, scan it into your computer and then go and fut it. Imagine being able to cut some of your kids drawings and then using them as embelishments on your scrapbook pages! It also has a couple of drawers in the tray to put your tools and extra blades.
I cannot guarantee we will make the first shipping group, but if you email me immediately, we have a chance! First 10 people to place an order will get their BossKut Gazelle at $499.99 plus S&H! I'll be posting more pictures from CHA over the next few days! Now off I go back home!!!


Crystal Ware said...

I'm so glad you had a great time. This is quite a machine you have described here! Looks very interesting but way outta my budget.

Carol P said...

How does this differ from the Craft Robo (except price?). Does it have that goofy sticky paper carrier system?