So first, let me announce the winner for July, which is none other than my buddy Janie! Congrats Janie, you can come and pick up your winnings next week as soon as you get the chance!
Also I still need to send off Crystal's package and I will do that on Monday. I'm behind on that too! I've completed my Christmas cards for August, completed two class projects for the scrapbook store the cover of my 12x6 album is shown above, completed a 20 page 8x8 album to give to a friend for her birthday tomorrow so I haven't been completely inactive. I've also redone the mini-shop in my living room, which took me a lot of time.
I'm waiting on the results of the sleep study that I did on Monday. I guess given that the technician rushed into the room thinking that my nose sensor was off when it wasn't isn't a good sign. I'm also waiting for the result of a biopsy taken during the colonoscopy I endured on Thursday, but I was told not to worry about it that it didn't look like anything serious. So I hope you'll forgive me, I've had a little on my mind!
So as you can see, I owe you guys a lot of pictures.