Would you believe! I just reached 100 subscribers! Thank you everyone for coming in to visit! I hope that you will continue to stop by from time to time! To mark the event, I'm going to add a second prize to this month's giveaway!!! Stay tuned!
As I've watched the number of subscribers to my blog jump in the last few days, I've wondered how many will become real friends. Real friends are not always the people that you interact with everyday. Often, they are people that you used to live close to and that you have been separated from, as your life or theirs, required a move. There are times when you cannot keep up with them the way you would want to, for any number of reasons. I wonder if anyone else has, from time to time, withdrawn from a friend for a while, because it hurt too much to talk to them. The hurt of the move was too raw and the loneliness caused by it was chocking up all the oxygen in the air around you. I must admit that I've been there far too often over the last 12 years. I miss being able to hug the friends I've left behind, while feeling blessed to have made new friends where I live now.
Real friends also come via the Internet these days, much as they might have been far away pen pals in days gone by. I am blessed to have those kinds of friends. Some are newer, some have been close for many years. Sometimes, make that often, I wish I had the time and money to bring all these wonderful people who have befriended me, who have loved and supported me through thick and thin, together. I would put them in one big beautifully decorated room that reflected their beautiful souls and celebrate the wonderful gift they have given me, their friendship. Since I obviously can't do that, (though that will change if I win the 74 million powerball), my beloved friends will forever remain safely in the chambers of my heart. My blog is dedicated to those friends and here, on my blog, they will be hono(u)red always!