I feel like I am drinking from the fountain of creativity! My e-course Flying Lessons is one heck of a fast pace class and there is almost as much to be gleaned from the comments as from the class material itself! Given that each post gets something like 200 or more comments and that I was not at my most clear headed over the past week, it has been a challenge. I'm afraid that I've read, but not posted much myself, which is probably a missed opportunity!
If you know me, you know that when I decide to do something, not knowing how, is not an allowable limitation! I really wanted to learn how to make a button to support charity crops and by extension the "Charity Scrapbook Buddies" group that I created on Facebook a while back. You'll remember that Papercraft Magazine gave us a boost by featuring us on their Facebook fan page not that long ago. So I played with the code until I got it right. And if you look at the left hand of the blog, you will see that I even figured out how to make the actual code available for you guys to pick up easily! The link brings you directly do the Facebook group, sweet!
For the record, you do not have to be a scrapbooker to support these charity efforts since the causes include Alheizmers, Breast Cancer, Organ donation and so forth! Also, while they were started as scrapbooking get -togethers, I don't think anyone will be upset if you bring your knitting, crochet, cardmaking or other portable art form to a crop! If you're not sure, ask beofre registering, but I can almost guarantee you will be welcome with open arms!
Your art may also be something that you are willing to donate to a crop, where it will do much good in a silent auction, get you free publicity and of course, a receipt for tax purposes. So if you "flew in here" do take a moment to grab the button, join the Charity Scrapbook Buddies Facebook group and when the time is right, help some good causes!
Play Day
Between my honey and my doctor appointments this week, I managed to do
exactly ONE layout and pretty proud I even got that one done. I did stock
pile some...
6 years ago