I can't believe that it's been since the 22nd of May since I've posted! It's not that I don't always start blog posts, but I don't always finish them. For example I wrote this last week...
Today, I spent the day with Janie and as usual, it was a calming and fun day! Spending a day with Janie is almost like taking a deep cleansing breath, I just feel so much better afterwards! Honestly, I really needed it! Thanks Janie!
So what have I been doing? Putting together the kits for my class at Scraptopia is taking quite a bit of time! I'm still not done. I love creating classes, cutting everything and getting ready, I must admit, not so much!
Sunday (May 25th) Janie and I went to a class at Scraptopia given by folks affiliated with My Mind's Eye.
Janie and I both won awesome prizes. She won all the papers and embelishments in the latest Wild Aspergus line and I won all the papers in the 29th Street line as well as some embelishments from one of their other lines. We both also got a full set of titles. That's Keesha, Madison in the middle and Janie.
I thought I would also share two of the four pages that will be used in another class at Scraptopia, this one in July.

I thought I would also share two of the four pages that will be used in another class at Scraptopia, this one in July.

I've just got to share with you Scraptopia's announcement for one of my classes:
'Summertime' by Marie-Claire
This is an adorable, 6"x 6" colorful book with a tropical look! Learn how to play with acrylic pages and incorporate them into your mini projects.
M-C is a very talented designer and you will love this project at a great price - only $29! The date is Saturday, 7 June from 10 - 1 p.m. Don't wait - this class is limited and going fast! (There are so many talented people out there, it just blows me away that I even get to teach at the LSS)
Now back to today June 3rd. What has happened since last week? Plenty, but it would take a long time to write all about it so here are the highlights!
I spent the whole weekend in bed on pain meds trying to get rid of the sciatica that has been plaguing my life for 3+ weeks.
Janie and I spent Monday, that is yesterday, together. Thank goodness because she was the only highlight of the day. I got a notice from passport Canada saying they didn't like the 2nd set of pictures I sent, Rick had a bad day which always upsets me, and someone scrapped and dented my brand new SUV while I was in a store ordering glasses and contacts for Rick! On the positive side, the lady did stick around and said she would pay for everything rather than go through insurances.
Today Tuesday. I got all prettied up to have my passport pictures taken for the 3rd time. Before going for the picture at the mall, no Walgreens this time, but Ritz Camera, I dropped off the van at MAACO for the repairs and paint jobs. Was driven to Hertz to get a rental car and after that stopped at Scraptopia. As luck would have it, my email with the list of products required for the class somehow didn't get to the owner and the covers that she did order did not come in. So my class of the 7th is now postponed to sometime in July!
On a high note, a nice lady that I spoke with at Passport Canada last week called me to follow up. She had noticed that there were no updates on my file and said that the note was still in there that my passport needed to be printed by the 10th and that I should write a short letter to send in with the new pictures and then overnight everything and that just maybe, I might still get my passport in time to go to Nassau on the 15th! Let me just say that I will consider that to be a miracle and I guess I'd better start packing just in case!
I'm sitting here and realizing that I am so grateful for my friends! You guys rock, all of you! You are always there to raise me up and make me feel better! Thanks and now... for the May winner of my blog comments...
The winner is Crystal!!! I know that you are on a cross country treck, but as soon as you settle down and email me an address to send your prize, I'll get right on it! It might be fun to rak you as well at that time since I'm guessing that you haven't hauled too many scrapbook/card making supplies!!! Congrats Crystal!