Friday, July 20, 2012

So Much to Share!

There is so much I need to share since my last posts that it will take me a few posts over a few days! But first I thought I'd share the highlights! Give you a preview of sorts!

My baby is a married man!!!! And as you can see, his bride is the most stunning of women!  I am so proud of them both!  They did such a great job making their ceremony special, beautiful and memorable!  Love them both!

I finished all the projects I had for my son's wedding!  They included:

  •  The Gift Bags
    • finding the gift bags
    • painting the polka dots
    • making the tags
    • making the photo/video request cards
    • getting some of the items for the bags
    • attaching the tags and filling the bags

  • Putting the Wedding Photo Booth Together. 
    • Finding the right software
    • selecting the web cam
    • finding the right printer
    • making it all work together
    • props
    • creating the instructions
    • creating the booth photo book
    • finding the page holders
I also prepared for my layout classes
  • July Class Layouts (held today)
  • August Class Layouts (August 24th 6pm)
Created a card or two

And of course, I drove down to Florida for the wedding, met Ashley's parents, hung out with my son Shaun, attended the rehearsal and the wedding where I also set up the photo booth, spent some time with my friend Janie before and after the wedding and drove back home! It has been a busy time! 


Carole RB said...

Bonsoir M-C
Hum, tu n'as vraiment pas chômé. Tu as raison d'être fière de ton fiston et de sa femme. Ils sont beaux.

Bonne fin de semaine

janierob said...

It was so good to have you visit and share in your excitement about the wedding.
