Have you ever wondered why it is that we have turned Christmas (the Holiday Season) into the world's most stressful time of year? I wonder sometimes what the ratio is between the fun days and the stressed out days, especially for the ones in the family that plan the trips, make the purchases, do the wrapping, plan the menus and get the house ready!
It's been a few years since I've put up a tree, mainly because there is no one really to see it or to care and it seems like a whole lot of work for not much reason. I do a minimal amount of decoration, hang the stockings and that is that! I actually love figuring what to get people, and for the most part, although my brother-in-law and I are the ones that push the hardest for wish lists, I'm usually the one that doesn't buy from theirs! Call me the Christmas rebel, LOL!
So do tell, how special is Christmas or are the Holidays for you! How much do you decorate? How many people will surround you during the holidays! What is your biggest wish for the holidays? And no, you can't say world peace; we all want world peace!
Play Day
Between my honey and my doctor appointments this week, I managed to do
exactly ONE layout and pretty proud I even got that one done. I did stock
pile some...
6 years ago
M-C, since we've been away from our home (but will be leaving for home as soon as DH gets out of school today! Yippee!!), I've not had a chance to decorate much and probably wouldn't anyway, since it will be just the 2 of us this year. I've got the stockings hung back home (check out pic on my blog: http://coffee24tea.blogspot.com) I made them last year, trying to copy the ones in Ballard's. and here in the cabin I've made candy and given it as gifts but it's going to be an extremely simple Christmas which is ok. We should all remember, Jesus is the reason for this wonderful season and I enjoy parties and glitz and the Holiday Spirit, but sometimes it can take control where it makes me more concerned with "things/events" than people. Merry Christmas. I really enjoy your blog!
Bonjour M-C
Pour ce qui est des décorations de la maison: je le fais quand ça me tente ou si j'ai le temps. Je décore tout: le sapin, les portes intérieures, extérieures, la table de la salle à dîner etc. Au fil des ans j'ai beaucoup ramassé de décorations en vente après les fêtes. Comme cette année je n'ai rien fait à date par manque de temps et ne ferai rien car nous sommes trop près de Noël. C'est trop long à faire. Quand je fais les décorations c'est autour du 12 déc ou bien je ne fais rien. Cette année nous soupons chez des amis le soir du 24 donc nous serons 4. Le 26 je reçois un autre couple d'amis nous serons encore 4 puis le 31 nous avons un party de fin d'année et c'est tout donc tout sera tranquile par ici. Je n'ai acheté qu'un seul cadeau et c'est celui de mon mari. Pour les cadeaux d'hôtesse; je bricolerai quelque chose mais je ne sais pas encore je suis trop dans le jus (manque de temps) pour y songer. Si le temps manque toujours, j'achèterai probablement du savon liquide pour les mains dans un magasin spécialisé. Ils ont toujours de très bonnes odeurs spécialement pour le temps des Fêtes.
Passe de belles Fêtes, Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année!
I just try to do the minimal decorating.. just enough to make the kids happy! I would rather spend my time having fun with the family not being tangled in Christmas lights!
I just received my prize package yesterday (Saturday). I went through everything piece by piece and what a great collection of Christmas goodies. Thank you so much, MC, for your generosity and for making my December so exciting.
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